Honest Craft Room Tour

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I KNOW that you’ve checked them out of Pinterest.  Those amazing craft rooms where everything is perfectly put away and it’s that perfect shade of gray with pastel accents.  hoest-craft-tourYeah…. this isn’t that kind of tour.  I guess I could have cleaned up my space and lied to you.  Took time to perfectly edit my photos and show you my dreamy work space where children fear to tread.  But I don’t think that would be honest or realistic.  The shameful truth is most of the time my office is a mess, I have several projects I am working on and being the mad creative that I am – it tends to get messy fast.

This year I’m trying to ease up a bit on portraying that everything is perfect all the time.  It’s not.  I’m human and a mom with a bunch of little humans to look after.  So here is a real look at where I work and spend my time.  It’s messy, but beautiful.  It’s creative, chaotic and red.  LOTS of red.  No gray or pastel to be seen. But there is  damask pattern – I have to have one of those. 🙂

In the video I feature the three main work spaces in my space.  I have a cutting/ crafting desk with an overhead rig for shooting.  I have my sewing desk where I sew and shoot my sewing segments.  And finally my computer space where I draft patterns, edit photos and videos.  I also show you my huge closet that you think would make my room less messy, yet I still manage to clutter it .  I have talent, what can I say.

So I hope you enjoy the video of my craft and work space.  It’s where I get the job done, my kids regularly invade and where I have the freedom to create.  Enjoy the tour!

YouTube video


  1. Love love love! I love the video! Can you link me to that round light that you said gives off a soft light for video?

  2. Thank you so much for your honest blogger life. I am so over the supposed perfect ones. If my crafty space is neat, it means I am not being creative. I just finished your flapper headband which is am so very pleases with–so thanks for sharing that. Off to blog about your headband pattern and then to check off your YouTube stuff.

  3. Hi! Angel, I love your creative craft room, and i love the colour red! It is my favourite colour. I also have a craft room that I love, it was my daughters old bedroom and when she moved out she had teal on one large wall and cream on the others so I have left that. I am a sewer and love your videos, you have taught me so much as I am a self taught sewer. I also make handmade cards, and I have a space for my Grandchildren’s crafts too. So my room is a very busy room, and I love that I can keep my projects out and close the door, so you are not alone there.
    I am trying to find a bright light for sewing, and am sending one back because it is a reading light and not bright enough, do you have some idea what kind of light I can buy which will be bright enough? I only have a ceiling fan light right now!
    Happy crafting and thanks for all your great videos and patterns.

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