How to Sew Faux Fur: Tips and Tricks

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Faux fur can seem daunting.  Wow sewing with faux fur isn't as hard as you think it is. With these tips it's doable. Pinning to make sure I have this on file.But once you know the basics of working with it, it’s an easy way to add drama and flare to a piece with minimal effort.

Most faux furs do not require any special equipment or needs for your sewing machine.  But they do require patience, and lint roller.  Read these  7 tips on how to sew faux fur and you’ll be set up for success.

How to Sew Faux Fur: Tips and Tricks

1 – Faux fur is messy.

Really messy.  Think sewing cuddle/minky fabric and times that by 10.  Take some basic precautions with your work space when you’re working with Faux fur:

  • Keep other material and items out of the way so little bits of fur won’t get on them.
  • Keep a lint roller near by to keep you and your space tidy.
  • Have a garbage can near by that you can easily discard scrap and bits of fur in.
  • Wear and apron (seriously this will save your outfit).
  • Use a piece of scrap fleece to wipe up the fur from your work space (the fleece attracts the fur).
  • Once you’re finished cutting take pieces outside and shake to release more loose bits of fur.

2 – Cut faux fur with scissors.

Most of the time when your dealing with messy fabrics your go to tool is a rotary cutter.  But the thicker the pile (the thickness of the fur) the more important it is to cut with scissors.  The scissors will cut the backing with minimal snipping of the fur.  The rotary cutter will cut the backing and trim the fur which can leave an unpleasant “chopped” look of the fur on the edge.

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 3 – Be aware of the nap of the fabric

Pet your faux fur while you’re working with it.  Does the fur smooth out under your hand or does it rub against it?  This is the nap of the fur.  Ideally you want the all the fur on your piece to run the same direction.  It will lay and look better if the nap is all the same direction.

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 4 – Cut out pattern pieces from the backside of the fabric.

Usually when you cut out a pattern piece it’s on the right side of double folded fabric.  With fur it’s completely different.  The fur can ripple and distort the pattern piece so you need to cut it out on the back side of single fold fabric.  If the pattern calls for fur – it should take this into account and flip it already for you or instruct you to do so.  If you are adding fur to a pattern – be sure that the pattern piece is flipped so the right side of the pattern piece is face down on the fur backing.  For best results trace the pattern piece onto the backing and then cut out with scissors.

 5 – Lengthen your stitch.

Standard needle and thread will work fine with fur.  However be sure to lengthen your stitch (especially with thick furs) for best results.  Always sew a test piece to make sure that you have the right stitch length and tension.

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 6 – Make your seams invisible

Once you have finished sewing your item and it’s flipped right side out, take a needle and slowly, gently pull the hairs that have been stuck in the seam out.  This will make the seam disappear.

 7 – Know how to clean your fur

The majority of faux furs are spot clean only.  Be aware of how you can clean your fur and take the proper steps to maintain it’s soft beautiful look.

You can see all of my Faux Fur Projects here.

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One Comment

  1. the far is really a unstable kind of fabric. it is much difficult to sew faux far. in your tips and tricks you provide the right tutorial and it was so helpful. appreciate that.

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