How to Unpick a Seam for Beginners

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It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been sewing.  You will have to unpick a stitch.  I love how this clearly shows how to unpick a seam and there's a video tutorial! This is a really practical sewing tutorial that I like to reference. Great for beginning sewists and newbies.Unpicking can either save your project or destroy it.  So it’s important to properly unpick the seam to save the fabric. Learn how to unpick a seam the right way. Proper unpicking will save you time and money in the long run so patience is key.  

How to Unpick a Seam:

1. Make sure your Seam Ripper is Sharp

One mistake that sewists make when unpicking is that they don’t regularly replace their seam ripper.  A sharp seam ripper is essential to have success unpicking a seam.

2. Take your time

This is important  – take your time.  I know that you’re annoyed that you messed up, but taking your time is crucial to preserving your project.  Think of it as a break.  Turn on some good music.  Stay calm, frustration is useless.  Focus on correcting the problem. If you need to just walk away for a moment before you need to unpick.

3. Start where the seam isn’t locked and begin to unpick

Start unpicking where the seam isn’t locked.  If both ends of the seam are locked start at one end by unpicking the lock stitch and work your way to the other end.

To begin unpicking start by unpicking a few stitches on one side of the seam.  unpick step 3Just every few stitches take the seam ripper and lift up under one of the loops and break it with the seam ripper.  Take care not to puncture the cloth,  this is especially important with finer cloth like satin, taffetta or silk.

5. Once properly unpicked, begin to gently pull the seam apart

Next take each side of the seam and gently pull to have the stitches loosen.  how-to-upick-a-stictchTake care not to tear or put too much strain on the cloth.  Unpick more if there is little or no give.

5. If you meet resistance use the Seam Ripper some more

Next as you come to a stitch that wont’ give use the seam ripper to cut it. seam step 2 Continue until you’re finished with the seam.

For more details you can see the video below.

YouTube video

Be sure to check out all of my “Sewing for Beginners” series on this page.  I have tips from machine sewing to basics on cloth.  Everything you need to get started.

More How to Sew Lessons:

Working With Different Fabrics:



I love how this clearly shows how to unpick a seam and there's a video tutorial! This is a really practical sewing tutorial that I like to reference. Great for beginning sewists and newbies.


  1. I really look forward to your e mails. Thank you so much for taking the time to send them. Sometimes they just remind me of good habits that I have forgotten and other times I learn something new.

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